Tatsuno Corporation makes on efforts to protect personal information, looking at its importance and basing on the following policies.
Use personal information within the scope of using purpose shown on getting it and so far as the needed on execution of operation.
Use personal information to supply・show development of goods and services, and to furnish information on related after-services.
Use personal information sometimes with an associate company, an affiliated company and a trusted company. In such case, do properly Protection management and utilization.
Do not provide personal information to third party, except a case provided in the low, without the personal prior consent.
Consider a proper counter plan to illegal access, computer virus and so on, keeping personal information accurate and the newest, to prevent personal information from illegal access, loss, destruction, falsification and leakage.
Appoint a supervisor in every concerned section all over the company and practice proper personal information management.
Make known to all (directors and employees) concerning protection and management.
Personal information kept by the Firm could be opened, revised, stopped to use, eliminated and so forth for the person as a rule. Correspond to the above within proper limits only in case of having been capable of confirmation of the request of the person.
Request for personal information service
Request to each post in charge about personal information service.
Do to the following if in a situation not to be sure.
Department of general affairs, Business Support Division, Tatsuno Corporation.
TEL +81-(0)6-6263-2331
COO Mitsuhiko Tatsuno
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